Matcha Pop

Starting at SGD 13.50

An addictive treat for any occasion, the exceptional combination of Matcha's smooth velvety texture and rich toasty aroma of popcorn brings forth a refreshing take on the traditional Matcha. You might get hooked, don't say we didn't warn you!

All Teas Loose Teas Gourmet Selection Tea Lattes
Genmaicha grounded into a fine powder
  • 2 tbsp for 200ml of hot milk
  • 85°C — 96°C
  • Whisk till evenly mixed
Grouped product items
Product Name Price
Matcha Pop (50 gr)
SGD 13.50
Matcha Pop (100 gr)
SGD 26.50
Matcha Pop (200 gr)
SGD 47.50